Fenacetín je biely, s lesklými šupinatými kryštálmi alebo bielym kryštalickým práškom, mierne horkej chuti bez zápachu. Tento produkt je rozpustený v etanole alebo chloroforme, mierne rozpustený vo vriacej vode a veľmi mierne rozpustený vo vode
Fenacetín CAS:62-44-2
Fenacetín Chemical Properties
MF: C10H13NO2
MW: 179,22
Teplota topenia: 133-136 ° C (lit)
Teplota varu: 132 ° C / 4 mmHg
Hustota: 1,1248 (hrubý odhad)
Fenacetín Specification:
Stanovte% â ‰ 99,0
organický chlorid% â ‰ 0,02
p-fenetidín - ľahké červené € 4 #
Ľahká zlúčenina uhlíka - 4 # € 6 #
Strata sušením% â ‰ 0,5,5
Teplota topenia: 134-137 ° C
Zvyšok zo zapálenia% â ‰ 0,1
Fenacetín Introduction:
Fenacetín is a non-opioid analgesic without anti-inflammatory properties, inhibits COX-3 activity.Target: COXFenacetín is a pain-relieving and fever-reducing drug,
Fenacetín was withdrawn from the Canadian market in June 1973 due to concerns regarding nephropathy. the clinical and laboratory data were compatible with“phenacetin nephritis”as described in Europe and Australia and recently in the United States and Canada.
This report evaluates the findings in the 23 cases and cautions against the use of phenacetin, particularly in patients with impaired renal function [1]. Fenacetín has been linked to renal papillary necrosis in human beings [2, 3].
Fenacetín Application:
Antipyretické analgetikum používané na liečbu horúčky, bolesti hlavy, neuralgie atď